Rabbit Tricks

Original: 34″x30″, $1,900

Unframed, plus shipping and insurance

Contact the artist directly to purchase the original.

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The Mannequin Series

Oil on canvas

“What would happen if instead of pulling a rabbit out of a hat, the magician pulled out a human?! This is just a turnabout as fair play to the old “rabbit tricks.” Rabbits hold a rare mystical, fantastical quality to them. Perhaps it is their silent stealthy manner by which they just appear from nowhere. Or, maybe it is the childhood memory of the beloved children’s story of Flopsy, Mopsy, and Peter Cottontail. Or, Alice in Wonderland‘s White Rabbit… or, the story every child knows of The Tortoise and the Hare. Rabbits strike a fancy in my imagination, and I will always pay homage to them as my go-to mystical, mythical, magical creature to delight a child of any age.”

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11×14 Giclee Museum Quality Prints, 8×10 Giclee Museum Quality Prints, 11×14 Giclee Cold Press Watercolor, 8×10 Giclee Cold Press Watercolor


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